As a child growing up in Pittsburgh, Alfred Watson spent many hours exploring the Ohio River near his Eliot home. Yearning to travel
downstream, he built a makeshift raft, although
he soon discovered that riding the craft caused a severe bout of seasickness, a malady that remained with him throughout his life. As a result, his later boat and water images were all taken from the shore.

This beautifully composed image showcases the serenity of Quaker Lake in Allegheny State Park near Salamanca, NY. 50 miles south of Buffalo.

A trio of rowboats waits for repairs in this image taken along the Lake Erie shore south of Buffalo, exact location unknown.

This image of beached rowboats and canoes was taken along the Lake Erie shore, the Buffalo Lighthouse standing guard in the distance.

A damaged boat with a bulging side and broken rudder lies in a grassy field in view of a Buffalo industrial park. The precise location is unknown.

Rowboats line up on Lake Erie East of Dunkirk, N.Y. Image was exhibited in numerous galleries and was published in the 1948 Photographic Society of America Annual.

A rowboat waits for its owner to take it on a ride. The lighting, composition and detail reveal the artist’s expertise. Taken near Franklin, PA.